Python API


class opentracing.Span(tracer, context)

Span represents a unit of work executed on behalf of a trace. Examples of spans include a remote procedure call, or a in-process method call to a sub-component. Every span in a trace may have zero or more causal parents, and these relationships transitively form a DAG. It is common for spans to have at most one parent, and thus most traces are merely tree structures.

Span implements a Context Manager API that allows the following usage:

with tracer.start_span(operation_name='go_fishing') as span:

In the Context Manager syntax it’s not necessary to call span.finish()


Provides access to the SpanContext associated with this Span.

The SpanContext contains state that propagates from Span to Span in a larger trace.

Returns:returns the SpanContext associated with this Span.

Indicates that the work represented by this span has completed or terminated.

With the exception of the Span.context property, the semantics of all other Span methods are undefined after finish() has been invoked.

Parameters:finish_time – an explicit Span finish timestamp as a unix timestamp per time.time()

Retrieves value of the Baggage item with the given key.

Parameters:key (str) – key of the Baggage item

:rtype : str :return: value of the Baggage item with given key, or None.



log_event(event, payload=None)


log_kv(key_values, timestamp=None)

Adds a log record to the Span.

For example:

    "event": "time to first byte",
    "packet.size": packet.size()})

span.log_kv({"event": "two minutes ago"}, time.time() - 120)
  • key_values (dict) – A dict of string keys and values of any type
  • timestamp (float) – A unix timestamp per time.time(); current time if None

Returns the Span itself, for call chaining.

Return type:


set_baggage_item(key, value)

Stores a Baggage item in the span as a key/value pair.

Enables powerful distributed context propagation functionality where arbitrary application data can be carried along the full path of request execution throughout the system.

Note 1: Baggage is only propagated to the future (recursive) children of this Span.

Note 2: Baggage is sent in-band with every subsequent local and remote calls, so this feature must be used with care.

  • key (str) – Baggage item key
  • value (str) – Baggage item value

:rtype : Span :return: itself, for chaining the calls.


Changes the operation name.

Parameters:operation_name – the new operation name
Returns:Returns the Span itself, for call chaining.
set_tag(key, value)

Attaches a key/value pair to the span.

The value must be a string, a bool, or a numeric type.

If the user calls set_tag multiple times for the same key, the behavior of the tracer is undefined, i.e. it is implementation specific whether the tracer will retain the first value, or the last value, or pick one randomly, or even keep all of them.

  • key – key or name of the tag. Must be a string.
  • value – value of the tag.

Returns the Span itself, for call chaining.

Return type:



Provides access to the Tracer that created this Span.

Returns:returns the Tracer that created this Span.
class opentracing.SpanContext

SpanContext represents Span state that must propagate to descendant Spans and across process boundaries.

SpanContext is logically divided into two pieces: the user-level “Baggage” (see set_baggage_item and get_baggage_item) that propagates across Span boundaries and any Tracer-implementation-specific fields that are needed to identify or otherwise contextualize the associated Span instance (e.g., a <trace_id, span_id, sampled> tuple).


Return baggage associated with this SpanContext. If no baggage has been added to the span, returns an empty dict.

The caller must not modify the returned dictionary.

See also: Span.set_baggage_item() / Span.get_baggage_item()

Return type:dict
Returns:returns baggage associated with this SpanContext or {}.
class opentracing.Tracer

Tracer is the entry point API between instrumentation code and the tracing implementation.

This implementation both defines the public Tracer API, and provides a default no-op behavior.

extract(format, carrier)

Returns a SpanContext instance extracted from a carrier of the given format, or None if no such SpanContext could be found.

The type of carrier is determined by format. See the opentracing.propagation.Format class/namespace for the built-in OpenTracing formats.

Implementations MUST raise opentracing.UnsupportedFormatException if format is unknown or disallowed.

Implementations may raise opentracing.InvalidCarrierException, opentracing.SpanContextCorruptedException, or implementation-specific errors if there are problems with carrier.

  • format – a python object instance that represents a given carrier format. format may be of any type, and format equality is defined by python == equality.
  • carrier – the format-specific carrier object to extract from

a SpanContext instance extracted from carrier or None if no such span context could be found.

inject(span_context, format, carrier)

Injects span_context into carrier.

The type of carrier is determined by format. See the opentracing.propagation.Format class/namespace for the built-in OpenTracing formats.

Implementations MUST raise opentracing.UnsupportedFormatException if format is unknown or disallowed.

  • span_context – the SpanContext instance to inject
  • format – a python object instance that represents a given carrier format. format may be of any type, and format equality is defined by python == equality.
  • carrier – the format-specific carrier object to inject into
start_span(operation_name=None, child_of=None, references=None, tags=None, start_time=None)

Starts and returns a new Span representing a unit of work.

Starting a root Span (a Span with no causal references):


Starting a child Span (see also start_child_span()):


Starting a child Span in a more verbose way:

  • operation_name – name of the operation represented by the new span from the perspective of the current service.
  • child_of – (optional) a Span or SpanContext instance representing the parent in a REFERENCE_CHILD_OF Reference. If specified, the references parameter must be omitted.
  • references – (optional) a list of Reference objects that identify one or more parent SpanContexts. (See the Reference documentation for detail)
  • tags – an optional dictionary of Span Tags. The caller gives up ownership of that dictionary, because the Tracer may use it as-is to avoid extra data copying.
  • start_time – an explicit Span start time as a unix timestamp per time.time()

Returns an already-started Span instance.

class opentracing.ReferenceType

A namespace for OpenTracing reference types.

See for more detail about references, reference types, and CHILD_OF and FOLLOWS_FROM in particular.

class opentracing.Reference

A Reference pairs a reference type with a referenced SpanContext.

References are used by Tracer.start_span() to describe the relationships between Spans.

Tracer implementations must ignore references where referenced_context is None. This behavior allows for simpler code when an inbound RPC request contains no tracing information and as a result tracer.extract() returns None:

parent_ref = tracer.extract(opentracing.HTTP_HEADERS, request.headers)
span = tracer.start_span(
    'operation', references=child_of(parent_ref)

See child_of and follows_from helpers for creating these references.

class opentracing.Format

A namespace for builtin carrier formats.

These static constants are intended for use in the Tracer.inject() and Tracer.extract() methods. E.g.:

tracer.inject(span.context, Format.BINARY, binary_carrier)
BINARY = 'binary'

The BINARY format represents SpanContexts in an opaque bytearray carrier.

For both Tracer.inject() and Tracer.extract() the carrier should be a bytearray instance. Tracer.inject() must append to the bytearray carrier (rather than replace its contents).

HTTP_HEADERS = 'http_headers'

The HTTP_HEADERS format represents SpanContexts in a python dict mapping from character-restricted strings to strings.

Keys and values in the HTTP_HEADERS carrier must be suitable for use as HTTP headers (without modification or further escaping). That is, the keys have a greatly restricted character set, casing for the keys may not be preserved by various intermediaries, and the values should be URL-escaped.

NOTE: The HTTP_HEADERS carrier dict may contain unrelated data (e.g., arbitrary gRPC metadata). As such, the Tracer implementation should use a prefix or other convention to distinguish Tracer-specific key:value pairs.

TEXT_MAP = 'text_map'

The TEXT_MAP format represents SpanContexts in a python dict mapping from strings to strings.

Both the keys and the values have unrestricted character sets (unlike the HTTP_HEADERS format).

NOTE: The TEXT_MAP carrier dict may contain unrelated data (e.g., arbitrary gRPC metadata). As such, the Tracer implementation should use a prefix or other convention to distinguish Tracer-specific key:value pairs.

Utility Functions

opentracing.start_child_span(parent_span, operation_name, tags=None, start_time=None)

A shorthand method that starts a child_of span for a given parent span.

Equivalent to calling

operation_name, references=opentracing.child_of(parent_span.context), tags=tags, start_time=start_time)
  • parent_span – the Span which will act as the parent in the returned Span’s child_of reference.
  • operation_name – the operation name for the child Span instance
  • tags – optional dict of Span Tags. The caller gives up ownership of that dict, because the Tracer may use it as-is to avoid extra data copying.
  • start_time – an explicit Span start time as a unix timestamp per time.time().

Returns an already-started Span instance.


child_of is a helper that creates CHILD_OF References.

Parameters:referenced_context – the (causal parent) SpanContext to reference. If None is passed, this reference must be ignored by the tracer.
Return type:Reference
Returns:A Reference suitable for Tracer.start_span(…, references=…)

follows_from is a helper that creates FOLLOWS_FROM References.

Parameters:referenced_context – the (causal parent) SpanContext to reference If None is passed, this reference must be ignored by the tracer.
Return type:Reference
Returns:A Reference suitable for Tracer.start_span(…, references=…)


class opentracing.InvalidCarrierException

InvalidCarrierException should be used when the provided carrier instance does not match what the format argument requires.

See Tracer.inject() and Tracer.extract().

class opentracing.SpanContextCorruptedException

SpanContextCorruptedException should be used when the underlying span context state is seemingly present but not well-formed.

See Tracer.inject() and Tracer.extract().

class opentracing.UnsupportedFormatException

UnsupportedFormatException should be used when the provided format value is unknown or disallowed by the Tracer.

See Tracer.inject() and Tracer.extract().